
Thursday, August 15

How to Play Hard to Get With a Guy

There's a guy you really want to take notice of you..and want to be with you. So then how do you play hard to get, so that he'll want you? The problem with being hard to get is that it's important to remember that it's not about being difficult. It is about being confident and knowing that you have a lot and enough to offer.

Many women think that playing hard to get with a guy involves some sort of mind games. This couldn't be further from the truth. The reality is that a guy runs from games. It is a turn-off knowing that you are involved in something as being deceptive with his heart. He can't see creating a lasting relationship with someone who doesn't even take herself seriously.

This is why you have to understand how to be hard to get the correct way. It is about exuding a belief in yourself that who you are is good enough. You are honest with yourself with what you want, and you are honest with the guy about who you are and what you are looking for. If you act aloof and distant 'cause you think that will get him to notice you, then you haven't grasped the correct concept of being hard to get. At the same time, it's not about coming across needy either. 

Does playing hard to get work then? The trick to playing hard to get is being an independent women, while at the same time being flirty and self-assured with that guy you are interested in. Do not think making a guy jealous works 'cause it does not. It's about being real. Only then can playing hard to get really work.

What do you think, should you play hard to get with a guy?

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